Despite calls to protect internet users from online scams, there are still plenty circulating. The latest scam is a tech support scam, which aims to trick people into parting with their cash.
One approach scammers are taking is the “GeekSquad subscription”. This scam has appeared in the last year, and involves the target receiving an email called “Your GeekSquad Invoice”. It then advises the recipient that their subscription has been renewed and they need to call to cancel it. After calling the number, they will then try to get personal and financial information.
In a report, two of the emails were shared:
“Subject: We’ve got your order
Dear Valid User
Congratulations! Your Geek Squad Anti-Malware membership for the next five years has been successfully renewed and activated.
We prioritize your safety and are proud to have served over 2 million satisfied customers this month, including you. Your satisfaction is our top priority.
This message is regarding the renewal of your membership, set for 2023-09-06. A charge of $460.60 will be applied for the next 5 years unless you decide to cancel. For queries: call +1(888) 656-2078”
“Dear Valid User
Thank you for subscribing [to] Geek Squad Secured for your computer protection for the past 5 years. Just a friendly reminder, your membership with automatic renewal will be charged at $405.05 on 2023-09-06. Call +1(888) 656-2078 for details.
No action is required if you wish to maintain your current plan. Your billing details are up to date. If you have made any changes, we’re here to help you out.
If you have any query, please call our 24-Hour Call Center at +1(888) 656-2078.”
The second scam to look out for is the tech support scam, which starts with a pop-up message. It asks victims to send cash via shipping companies and mostly targets older users.
According to the FBI: “Tech support scammers usually initiate contact with older adult victims through a phone call, text, email, or pop-up window purporting to be support from a legitimate company. The scammer informs the victim of fraudulent activity or a potential refund for a subscription service.
Subsequent emails, pop-ups, and texts contain a phone number for the victim to call for assistance. Once the victim calls the number, a scammer tells the victim they have a refund for the victim. However, the only way the money can be sent is by connecting to the victim’s computer and depositing it into the victim’s bank account.”